image to text converter
Convert one or more images to text for free.
Please use Chrome browser, Microsoft Edge, Firefox. and convert without any errors
Converting Process
To convert from image to text, first click on Choose File button or drag and drop the image wherever you have it in your system, then click on Convert to text button once and wait for some time, you will get the text result. . This means that the image will be converted to text. After this you can copy all the code by clicking on the copy button. And you can use the text as per your requirement.
How To Edit Text
The most powerful text editor tool for editing text is Google Input Tools, with the help of which you can make some corrections in the text and add new words as required.
The main feature of this website is that you can convert unlimited images into text absolutely free.
Supported Languages
It is capable of supporting almost all the languages of the world, but it is possible that it may not support some languages.
Use Purpose
Convert Text can be used in education related fields or any other field where you need to add text formats.
fast converting
There is a feature of fast converting by uploading the image in a single click, but internet speed is also required. It is very important to check the internet speed in your area.